Lane Keeping Optimisation to reduce Driver Work Load
Lane keeping is the one of the most basic and easy task done by the driver. It could be as simple as keeping the steering wheel steady on a straight road but even there, due to the external disturbances, the vehicle tends to drift from the lane. The naturalistic driving data can show that even if the road is perfectly straight, after some time interval the driver has to apply corrections to keep the lane. These time intervals to corrections are usually very small which means that driver has to constantly control the steering even on the straight road. The problem becomes even more complex when the road is curved.
The problem of lane keeping is based on the visual input from driver and extraction of information from the input. Control action then involves the steering input from the driver. In countries like USA, Canada or European countries, the lanes of the highways are wide. So while going on a straight road for large distances, the task of lane keeping (which requires minimal attention) becomes redundant and can be cumbersome for the drivers.
The aim of this project when I did that in 2013 was to understand the human driver’s way of controlling the steering in lane keeping and then replicate the control using the electronics so as to assist the driver in lane maintaining while reducing the work load on the driver and also…